The Gin Corner, the temple of gin with over 100 bottles of gin, was chosen by Schweppes as its first flagship in Italy. To celebrate this new partnership between the two international brands, the Gin Corner and Schweppes have organized a series of evenings entitled “You Are The Tonic To My Gin”. A virtual journey through colors, flavors, and smells, which starts from Spain where the Gin Tonic phenomenon started and has taken hold in the last years, passing through New Zealand, where the Hibiscus flowers which characterize the new Schweppes Premium Tonic Mixer Hibiscus come from. To conclude, we return to Rome for the final evening.
We start from Spain with The Original, the tonic that made the Schweppes brand famous. The country where the Gin Tonic phenomenon started and has taken hold in the last years is the proper place to appreciate the sparklingness of the favorite cocktail of gin lovers. Strictly speaking, the balloon, the favorite glass of the Spanish cousins, is in combination with tapas prepared by The Gin Corner